Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let the Training begin!

I know some of you may have started training when I put the 22 week program on...yea for you guys! I on the other hand have put it off until today. Today was my first official day of training for Iron Girl. In all honesty I have never ever set a goal like this for myself. Events like this have always been for other people. I am so excited to be one of those "Other People" this year. Thanks for joining me on the ride!

So today I started my workout with a 3 mile walk... I walk, I don't run!! At least not yet. Luckily I have a very dedicated walking buddy who I can barely keep up with. In fact most of the time I think it would be better if I were running. I am grateful for a work out partner who silently pushes me. She never tells me to catch up. She never gives me a hard time for being 3 steps behind at all times... she just goes faster. I think on purpose... so I have to push myself harder. And when I have just about crooked over and died she grabs the 75 lbs stroller I have been heaving along and takes a turn pushing so I can recover. The stroller always makes her slow up just a bit. Not much... just enough for me to recover before I get it back! One of my favorite websites to visit is called MapMyRun.com. You guessed it... it Maps Your Run/bike ride/walk so you know how far you have gone. Love it and I am sure I will be using it frequently during my training.

After I got home from my "speed" walk I spent 30 minutes doing a workout video for abs, core, and butt. Now I can completely assure all of you that this Average Iron Girl CAN'T (AIG) walk any more! My legs are totally unreliable right now!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Nice job on going for the training!

I totally know what you mean about these things for the "other people", that's exactly how I feel!

So what a fun adventure -- way to head up everything! :-)