Monday, January 12, 2009

16 Week Training Program

Here are some great training programs that can be tailored to what you need the most help with. We are 16 weeks away this week so if you haven't started... pick a plan and get going!!

Here is a favorite Nike Quote:
"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yummy Chicken Tortilla Soup

Tonight I made one of our family favorites Chicken Tortilla Soup. I thought I would share it with you mostly because it can be classified as a healthy meal if you leave out all the yummy chips, cheese and sour cream. Believe it or not it is still pretty good.
6 cups of water in a pot
2 chicken breasts diced (I don't dice them until they have cooked through in the soup. Then I pull them out, dice them up and add them in.)
2 cans of diced tomatoes
2 cans of Texas style ranch beans
2 cans of pinto beans
2 cans of black beans
6 bullion's cubes
2 tsp of garlic salt
1/2 cup of rice

Boil all ingredients and turn down to medium heat for 20-25 minutes.

Things to add on top:
Sour Cream
Tortilla chips
Franks Red Hot Original Sauce (This makes it to die for!)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let the Training begin!

I know some of you may have started training when I put the 22 week program on...yea for you guys! I on the other hand have put it off until today. Today was my first official day of training for Iron Girl. In all honesty I have never ever set a goal like this for myself. Events like this have always been for other people. I am so excited to be one of those "Other People" this year. Thanks for joining me on the ride!

So today I started my workout with a 3 mile walk... I walk, I don't run!! At least not yet. Luckily I have a very dedicated walking buddy who I can barely keep up with. In fact most of the time I think it would be better if I were running. I am grateful for a work out partner who silently pushes me. She never tells me to catch up. She never gives me a hard time for being 3 steps behind at all times... she just goes faster. I think on purpose... so I have to push myself harder. And when I have just about crooked over and died she grabs the 75 lbs stroller I have been heaving along and takes a turn pushing so I can recover. The stroller always makes her slow up just a bit. Not much... just enough for me to recover before I get it back! One of my favorite websites to visit is called You guessed it... it Maps Your Run/bike ride/walk so you know how far you have gone. Love it and I am sure I will be using it frequently during my training.

After I got home from my "speed" walk I spent 30 minutes doing a workout video for abs, core, and butt. Now I can completely assure all of you that this Average Iron Girl CAN'T (AIG) walk any more! My legs are totally unreliable right now!