Monday, February 16, 2009

12 weeks to go!

I don't know about you but I am so excited for race day! I keep visualizing crossing to finish line
with friends and family. It is going to be great! Here is a link to a 12 week training program from the official Iron Girl Trainer. It is still not to late to join us.

We started our official training last week and things are going great. We have joined a masters swim program to help us tackle the swimming portion. The first night we only got 3 laps in... actually we swam a few months back when we decided to do the Iron Girl but made the mistake of swimming the whole thing on the first night. Don't make that mistake! After I got out my body went into swimming shock... I felt sea sick and wobbly, for the next 24 hours I felt like I had the flu. So even though I feel like I can do more I am taking it slow one day at a time. Just in a week we have come so far. I think we might just make it past the swimming leg of the race.

I defiantly recommend getting a swim cap and goggles. Our first night we weren't fully equipped... our heads froze, and we couldn't see in the water. I went to our local sports store and found a great pair of goggles. The owner taught me how to buy a pair of goggles that won't leak. Take them out of the package and press one up to your eye socket and see if they stick on their own. If they do for just a millisecond then they won't leak. If they don't... don't buy them. Goggles and a swim cap have made a huge difference!

We also started biking and have discovered that my bottom is the most critical part of my body to train for on this portion of the race. Man I was sore! But surprisingly the more I ride the more use to the bike seat I get.

I haven't started running yet. But we will this week. We have been walking the three miles and have worked our way up to feeling like running. We'll let you know how that goes.

Don't forget to get in the resistance training. I will try and post a few resistant training exercises later.

Train on!!! See you in Vegas!